Tuesday, 23 August 2016

GRE Exam Preparation Tips


Think about many hours you can consistently devote to GRE Exam Preparation. Then build a schedule. We have found that most students have success with about three months of committed preparation before the test day. Schedule time for study, practice, and review. It works best for many people to block out short, frequent periods of study time throughout the week. Check in with yourself frequently to make sure you’re not falling behind your plan or forgetting about any of your resources. One of the most frequent mistake in approaching study is to practice questions but not review them thoroughly-review time is your best chance to gain points.

GRE Classes Shiksha


In addition to learning GRE test content, you must also devote time to building the right mentality and attitude that will help you succeed on the test day. Take time to understand and incorporate these basic principles of good test mentality:
  •       Be aware of test timing and keep your composure even if you are struggling with a difficult question; missing one question won’t ruin your score for a section.
  •         Be confident; you are already well on your way to a great score.
  •        Stay positive; consider the GRE an opportunity rather than an obstacle.