Tuesday, 21 November 2017

The Day of GRE Test, an informative by Shiksha GRE coaching classes in Ahmedabad

On GRE test day, Student have valid and acceptable identification review your confirmation email prior to test day so that you know the location of the test centre and the time of your testing appointment. Students test fees will not be refunded if students score cancelled. Report to the test centre at least 30 Minutes prior to your scheduled test  timing. If student arrive late he will not be able to attend GRE exam. Dress so that you can adapt to any room temperature. Test related information written on clothing is prohibited. Food beverages, tobacco, Watch, Phone and firearms are not allowed in the test room. Student not permitted to go outside the test centre unless it is to use the rest room only during the test .if at any time during the test you have a problem with your computer or for any other reason raise your hand. Here is some more information about GRE test day from Shiksha, the GRE coaching in ahmedabad.

GRE Coaching ahmedabad

Test includes an optional 10 minute break after the third section & one minute break between the remaining section of test. Personal calculators not allowed in test room. You may work only on the test section by the test centre only for the time allowed. You will not be able to continue the test of it beyond the time limit. Creating a disturbance not allowed in test room. Don’t try to make a new thing or tactics. Refer all your module before the test day. Be calm and cool don’t take any type of pressure that it makes bring down to your self-confidence be positive & believe in yourself. On test day, student bring own passport original not a photocopy,16 digit code number print out or Xerox that  received from ETS, another id proof like driving license, pan card original. 

On test day, eat light food or a fruit like apple, bananas. Go half an hour early before your reporting time. Take a deep & long breath. Don’t bring pencil or paper they provide you pencil & paper. For awa 30 minutes allotted to issue & argument each of them. For verbal section 30 minutes & for Maths section 35 minutes are allotted .There are five sections 2 verbal section,2 maths section & 1 is dummy section which is maths or verbal. At the end of the test you will be given the option to report or cancel your scores. 

If you choose to report your scores those scores will become a part of reportable history and can’t be cancelled. Student have the option to cancel your scores it allows to report only the scores that student have a chance to put up their best scores. On test day, at the test centre student will be asked to designate his score recipients and choose the score select option regarding which score should be reported.

For more information on GRE coaching classes please visit Shiksha - The Learning Center, Ahmedabad

Monday, 5 June 2017

Five reasons to join a GRE study group by Shiksha Coaching Classes Ahmedabad

The GRE general test measures your verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking and analytical writing skills. So, only hard work is not enough, you have to do smart work to get ready for the GRE test. Test takers who have the requisite knowledge and have honed their critical thinking skills, will find most questions very doable and perform well on the test. This article by Best GRE coaching in Ahmedabad Shiksha will guide you regarding the same.

A GRE study group is helpful to students for building concepts or reviewing tests and learning from each others’ error patterns and shortcuts/problem solving – algorithms/time – management – methods.

1.    Study on time

Most important thing to prepare for GRE exam is to give sufficient time daily to practice for all three Quant, Verbal and AWA (Analytical writing) sections. Because of study group, students meet at regular times as attending students cannot procrastinate. You alone might postpone studying, when in group, however, all have to be present at a specific time and study a particular portion, so study is done regularly.

GRE coaching in ahmedabad Shiksha

2.    Motivation in right direction

Studying alone for the GRE exam is quite boring. If you see any GRE book or material, it seems lengthy, covering many concepts and practice questions. It can be tough to break out the books and go to the library for few hours especially when you are spending those hours alone. By joining a study group, you can break this monotony and learn faster. In group study, topic wise pares of materials are completed on daily basis and lengthy material is done within few weeks. Do not be afraid of getting a little competitive, either. As long as you keep the competition friendly, trying to outperform your peers. It is a great way to stay motivated to improve.

3.    Get new perspective

GRE studies require alternate methods of study and application to give the answer quickly. When students get together, they share ideas and hash out problems that would be too difficult for an individual to solve alone. In addition to learning new perspectives on a topic from group, you can also find new study techniques, ways to improve your learning abilities and sharpen your mind. In a group, you can discuss the topic of issues and arguments of Analytical writing part. In this way you might get new directions of thinking on a single topic. You also can help other members of the group to improve, by sharing your study tricks or may get some better tricks from them.

4.    Build vocabulary

In the verbal part of GRE coaching, vocabulary is an essential part to give answers. Reading the words and their meanings alone does not help you to remember for long time. The best way to remember words with meanings is to discuss them in a group. If you recall the words with meaning and their synonyms with your friends after reading, it helps you to memorize them for a long time. You can also use those words in general talk and that helps your friends to understand the meaning of a word used in different ways. In a group, you can also quiz each other to recall the words and build your vocabulary. You can give and take tricks to crack the logic of reading comprehension, relate blanks with words provided in options and discuss how to solve logical reasoning questions. Speaking out words loud in a group or trying to explain to someone else helps reinforce them. The more you repeat the information, the stronger your long – term memory for that information becomes.

5.    Quant tricks and techniques

Quant is a subject in which the more you apply the logic and tricks, the less calculation you need to do. Using standard methods to solve the math question is done by every student but by applying the time saving techniques, you can omit the steps of lengthy calculations. Discussing your doubts in a group may gives you smart way to solve the questions. You may spent hours starting a single practice question, frustrated that you are still unable to understand it, then that is where your GRE study group can help you. Maybe your friend really understands probability calculations and she understands them so well that she can explain the concepts to you in a really good way for you to review the concepts. In the process of trying to explain something to your friend, your brain will think through GRE material. All that exchanging will add up to some quality GRE knowledge for the exam day.

To conclude, TEAM means together everyone achieves more. This article is written by and copyrighted to Shiksha Ahmedabad.

Friday, 12 May 2017

Writing - Most challenging section of IELTS

The tasks in the IELTS Writing module are different depending on whether you are doing the Academic or General Training format. However, most of these IELTS tips by Shiksha IELTS Coaching in Ahmedabad are relevant to both. Time is the big enemy in the IELTS Writing test. You need to be able to manage your time very well if you are to complete both tasks to the best of your ability.

Task 1 accounts for one third of the marks and Task 2 the remaining two thirds. You should therefore spend 20 minutes on task 1 and 40 minutes on task 2. 

Points to remember:

§  Read the instructions carefully - If you do not fulfill the requirements of the task you will be penalised. Allow yourself some time to plan your ans wer. You need a well planned, coherent answer to get good scores.

§  Be focussed - If you do not respond to the topic, you will lose marks. If you don't answer the task that is set, or include information that is irrelevant, you will lose marks. Don't change the topic to something you are more familiar with (or have memorised).

§  Fulfill the requirements - You are required to write a minimum number of words - 150 for task 1 and 250 for task 2. If you write less than the minimum number you will be penalised. If you write more you will not be penalised but writing more may mean you don't have time to complete the other task. Ideally you should try to write the required number of words for both the tasks.

§  Ask for supplements - If you find you don't have enough room on the answer paper to complete your task, ask the invigilator for a supplement. There is no requirement to fit your entire script on the answer paper supplied, though this is usually sufficient. You will not be given any rough paper so use the question sheet for notes and planning. Anything you write on the question paper will not be used for assessment.

Shiksha IELTS Coaching Classes

§  Do not try to memorise a 'model' answer - It is unlikely that you will have a task on the same topic and scripts that are memorised or plagiarised are easily detected by the examiner and will be penalised.

§  Write clearly - Although you won't be penalised for untidy writing, if the examiner can't read your script it will be marked down. Poor spelling, however, will be penalised.

§  Essentials - When writing your script remember that it will be marked by an examiner who is looking to see if you have fulfilled the requirements of the task, that your writing is coherent, that you have used the appropriate vocabulary and have a good range of sentence structures. The examiner will be looking to see how accurately you have managed these things.

§  Proof reading - If you finish both tasks before your time is up, do not waste the extra time. Use this time to check what you have written. Check carefully for spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. Inaccuracy in these areas will lose you marks so time spent proofreading is time well spent.

Use these tips by best IELTS classes in Ahmedabad to ensure you get the IELTS Writing score you deserve!

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

SHIKSHA Coaching Classes in Ahmedabad, this Summer, we bring you new course “PTE Academic preparation course”.

PTE Academic is a computer-based academic English language test aimed at non-native English speakers wanting to study abroad. It tests ReadingWritingListening and Speaking.

Preparing for PTE (Pearson Test of English) is no longer a distant dream. It is made possible through the unique preparation format provided by SHIKSHA PTE Coaching Classes in Ahmedabad and at affordable fees.

The very basics of PTE are taught in specific modules which are then subject to evaluations in order to test and perfect you. We provide the most comprehensive teaching classes for making you understand the nuances of the simple yet complicated test called the ‘PTE’.

Shiksha PTE Coaching Classes in Ahmedabad

Shiksha PTE Coaching:

Key Features
·       Basic reference material
·       48 hours of concept classroom lessons covering all areas of PTE
·       Extra Reading and Listening Practice supplement the coaching
·       Student mentoring

Support Features
·                 Customized practice schedule/timetable
·                 One- on-one evaluation of all the recorded Speaking Tasks and Writing Tasks
·                 Doubt solving with faculty
·                 Library
·                 Exhaustive Practice Material
·                 Headphones and Tapes for Listening and Recording
·                 Collection of books

·       Full-length paper tests
·       Simulated computer based tests (with speaking and writing tasks evaluation)
·       Tips and test taking strategies to crack the tests

Still confused how would so much be taught? Join it to experience it! Laced with all the expertise to do so, the teacher would be your true mentors in every sense of the word. 

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Challenges of Verbal section of GRE and GMAT exam

Most students try to run away from the Verbal section of GRE Coaching and GMAT Coaching because they believe the marks do not commensurate with the efforts. The Verbal section seems difficult and boring for various reasons. Foremost, the words encountered and the questions asked are not what we come across in day to day life.

Second, even before starting a mental block is put that it’s too difficult and unmanageable.

Third, the verbal syllabus comprises of three question types, which can make the practice as well as teaching monotonous. How much variation can one do while preparing food with only three ingredients!

Fourth, the volume of new words to be learnt is mammoth and initially, there is more forgetting than learning.

Fifth, the reading passage chosen are not what students find interesting. In fact, most different comprehension passages are from literature or history, the subjects most students abhor.

So the reality is that, for most students, Verbal is difficult. But, it is not possible to escape from it. So, it is important to find a way around to tackle it. Students need to remind themselves that even if they feel confused about a full score in quantitative section, it is only fifty percent of the total score. The remaining marks required for a decent score will come from Verbal. Once the mental block has been removed, the realization that the answers to reading comprehension questions are on the computer screen itself makes it easier. Also by using technology, vocabulary can be made interesting. So, without feeling the burden, students can enhance their vocabulary. Also when words are discussed, they are remembered better. Hard work never goes waste. The same applies to the efforts put for the preparation of “Verbal Section”. Practice, Review, Revision would surely lead to high score.      

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

GRE Verbal Study Tips from Shiksha coaching classes in ahmedabad

Know your vocabulary

There is no way around it. To do well on the GRE you must know your vocabulary. There are plenty of word lists that can help you get started. Also, make sure to learn how to go about learning GRE vocabulary. Reading through a word list simply won’t hack it, you’ve got to have vocabulary study strategies.

Speak GRE 

The verbal section is not filled with amusing writing. What you’ll get is dry, academic type of passages. The Text Completions (the fill-in-the-blank sentences) will also contain dry writing, much of which is complex and sophisticated. To really wrap your head around such writing, you must immerse yourself in GRE-level writing. This can be as simple as doing plenty of practice questions or reading from websites. Try and use GRE-level vocabulary as much as possible. So, don’t just learn the words in word lists but use them.

Learn Pace

All of us have been there—not being able to let go of that difficult question, burning minutes agonizing between (A) and (C). To do well on the test you must get a sense of pacing, so you don’t spend most of your time on just a few questions. Keep moving forward and come back to it later. To develop a sense of pacing, do plenty of practice sets.

Become a word detective

Everywhere you look, GRE words abound. Listen to some of the words characters use on television (I heard ‘subterfuge’ and ‘disingenuous’ recently); open your local newspaper. Of course, most of us are reluctant to looking up a word we see in writing. Now that you are prepping for the GRE, you need to think of yourself as word detective. Every time you see a word you don’t know, look it up!

Think as the test writers do 

To do well on the verbal section requires more than just knowing a lot of fancy words. You must make sure not to get trapped by the answer choices. Known as ‘distractors’, wrong answer choices are sneaky. Learn what makes wrong answer choices wrong and right answer choices right. You’ve got to think like the test makers! Of course, the typical reaction to missing a question is outright disbelief—how, we exclaim, can (B) be the correct answer. It is clearly (C). Such a response can lead us to harbor resentment to the test. We think the questions are arbitrary and unfair. Rather, figure out—in an equanimous manner (that’s GRE-speak for ‘cool-headed’)—why the correct answer was right, and why your original answer was wrong.

This blog is written by Jyoti Mulchandani, for more information on GRE coaching in Ahmedabad please visit our official website: Contact Shiksha